Senior Girl Joins Military

Kenzie Baldwin
Feature Editor

     Senior Destiny McGinnis joins the Army National Guard.  According to 17% of girls in high school join the Army and the total number of women in active duty in the Army is 76,694.
     "What inspired me to join the military is that I wanted to prove to people and myself that I could do it," said McGinnis.
According to eight in ten veterans (79%) have an immediate family member who has served in the military.
     "My brother is in the Army and he's been a really big inspiration for everything," said McGinnis.Teens joining the military face different challenges depending on each individual.
    "The hardest thing that I've been through so far is just learning everything that they expect out of you and the ranks," said McGinnis. Veterans and active members of the military are full of advice for people wanting to join or just interested in the military.
     "Advice for girls that want to join or anyone in general be in shape and know how to handle someone telling you to do things even if you don't want to," said McGinnis. 


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