Fine Arts Recognized in School Wide Assembly

Quincy Nelson
Staff Reporter

Friday May 1st there was no advisory, instead there was a school assembly- to give recognition to the some of the fine arts students who have excelled.  Clubs such as Speech, Drama, Choir, Show Choir, Band, and DECA had students recognized and appreciated. 
The assembly was held at the normal advisement time of 9:24 and the student body was released from 2nd hour at 9:14 with the assembly ending around 9:53.
“It’s pretty cool I’m happy about it, when I was in Ankeny they weren’t recognized,” said senior Micalah Wiseman, a member of both choir and show choir.
“We work pretty hard and we go in for 6 hours a week-we work outside of school a lot too,” said Wiseman. Students of the fine arts appreciate being recognized just like the sports teams were earlier in the year.
“I feel we really worked just as hard sports do,” said freshman Mitzi Perez, a member of choir and show choir. Perez plans to continue her performing career into the rest of high school.
“I’d love to make varsity group,” said Perez as she went on. 


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