Ram Plan Incentive for Finals

Jessica Rish       
Staff Reporter

                Ram plan is an attendance incentive for students and is determined by each course. A student may opt out of two semester finals if they have met the Ram Plan qualifications.
                In order for Ram Plan to be eligible for a student they must be passing the class and have no more or than four absences and four tardies in a in a class. Students can still take the finals that they opt out of, and if they do, then their grade can only be improved. Ram Plan forms were handed out in advisement May 15th and they must be signed and returned to the assistant principle office on May 22nd.
                Gold and silver cards are academic incentives which allow students to get opt out of one or two more finals. Silver cards are given to students who have had a 3.5 GPA and are allowed to opt out of ONE additional final. Gold cards are given to students who have a 4.00 GPA or higher are able to opt out of TWO more semester finals in addition to their Ram Plan.
                Maya Barker, a sophomore, has a gold card and plans to opt out of Pre-Calculus, Molecular Biology, Chemistry and English.
               “You should try to get a gold card because if you don’t you have to take a lot of finals and that’s not fun and you should always try, because if you don’t you’ll end up at McDonald’s,” said Barker.


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