Finals Week

Sammi Springer 
Staff Reporter 
Schedule for finals. Photo credit Sammi Springer. 
t’s that time of year again! Finals are Wednesday through Friday, with first and second period finals on Wednesday, third through fifth period finals on Thursday, and sixth through eighth period finals on Friday, followed by what will be a much needed weekend after that. With the gold and silver cards that are handed out as a prize for good grades and attendance, most students are going to be able to opt out of more than the usual two that you’re allowed to opt out of if you’ve been absent for four or less days. One of these people, who will end up opting out of four finals altogether, is Hannah Waskel, a sophomore who has a gold card from last semester’s good grades.
            “I’m really glad we get the option to opt out of some of our finals, because then the ones that we do have to come to don’t seem as bad and it doesn’t feel like were at school for ten more hours than usual,” said Waskel, who’s opting out of Biology, Chemistry, Algebra 2 and French.

            For those students that are stressed out about finals, some tips to do your best and keep calm are to get a good night’s sleep the night before- don’t stay up cramming, it’s better to get a good night’s sleep and take advantage of the short studying period at school in advisor before the tests. Eat a good breakfast to make sure your brain’s fed and ready to work, and if at any point during the day you feel like the stress of tests is too much, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and be glad lunch is coming soon.


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