Spanish 1 Creates Family Tree

Lexi Burrows                     
Staff Reporter

                Ms.Khanthongdy’s Spanish 1 classes are learning about the family vocabulary.
                The vocabulary is family specific meaning students are learning the translation of various family titles.
                For example, la abuela means grandma, and el abulo means grandpa.
                The assignment is to create a family tree with them in it. They can use their own family members or they can use celebrity’s. 
                According to a family tree is a “genealogical chart showing the ancestry, decent, and relationship of all members of a family or other genealogical groups.” For students it is great to learn and understand the Spanish language.
                “This project is a great way to work on vocab for Spanish,” said freshman Jayd Killmer. Even the teachers think it is a great way to teach the students how to say brother, sister, and even more!
                “In my opinion the benefits are more exposure to the vocab and they can make it more individual and express themselves through creating a family,” said Spanish teacher Bettina Khanthongdy. The teachers did something for last year’s freshman class.
                “We did it in a different format and rubric,” said Khanthongdy. Over all this is a fun project for students and teachers!


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