Speech Club to State this Weekend

Shelby Kellis
Staff Reporter

Seven Southeast Polk speech teams will be competing in the large group state compaction, tomorrow, February 7th at Valley High School from 8:15am to 3:50pm. Valley is asking non-performers to give a donation of three dollars.
Senior Emily Waskel will be doing improv and a one act play. Waskel has been in speech for four years and started as a freshman because her brother did it.
Waskels advice to her fellow teammates is. “Don’t mess up your lines” she says. To get ready for her performance she gets her head in the game and practices.
Speech club is an activity that is governed by the National Forensics League and the Iowa High School Association.  Members can participate in Student Congress Debate, Public Forum Debate, Policy Debate, and Lincoln Douglas Debate.  The advisors are Emma Hantelmann, Julene Pappan, and Rosemarie Waskel. The meetings are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays after school. This is according to www.southeastpolk.org .


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