Stomp Out Bullying By Wearing Blue

 Kayla Sunderland 
Staff Reporter 
By wearing blue, students and other people
can show their support and help put an end
to bullying. Photo credit Kayla Sunderland.
            ”Stomp Out Bullying” promoted Blue Shirt Day on Monday, October 5th for the kick off of Bully Prevention Month. Blue Shirt Day takes place on the first Monday of October. The color blue represents bullying prevention as pink does for breast cancer awareness.
            Heather Goodrich, leader of Stand for The Silent, has been promoting Blue Shirt Day at the school for three years now.
            “The idea is from Stomp Out Bullying, which is a wonderful resource with dealing with bullying and cyber bullying” said Goodrich.
   is the official website for Stomp Out Bullying. Limited edition 2015 t-shirts for Blue Shirt Day went on sale and can be bought on the website.

            Throughout the month there are events planned for each week such as for the week of October 12th is “Make friends with someone you don’t know at school.” All the other information for the other events can be found on the website.


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