Chemistry Classes Take Safety Quiz

Kailee Ammons
Feature Editor
           The Chemistry classes took a safety quiz this past Monday, August 31. The quiz was over the basic safety instructions, such as wearing safety goggles, handling broken glass, and what to do when a fire starts or a chemical reaction goes wrong.
Junior Victoria Purcell answers safety
 quiz questions. Kailee Ammons photo.
            Mark Busch, chemistry teacher, let his students keep their safety contracts over the weekend to read and study them. Busch’s plan was to have his students take their quizzes online, but ran into issues during his first hour class when the laptops were denying login access to half of the students.
            “When my laptop would not work, I was starting to panic a little,” said junior Victoria Purcell. “I did not know if I would be able to take the quiz.”
            Because of the many students who were in Purcell’s situation, Busch decided to read the twenty-four questions out loud to the class, and have the students write their answers on a piece of paper.
            Overall, students could say the Busch handled the situation well and could see that he will continue to be a good teacher as the year goes on.

            Students had to get eighty percent correct on the quiz in order to participate in labs.


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