Sophomores Begin To Kill A Mockingbird

 Ashley Vannoy  
 Staff Reporter 
To Kill A Mocking Bird.
 Ashley Vannoy Photo
Sophomores are beginning to read the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee in English II this week.             This has been a tradition for all students who have gone through English II for years. It is required for all sophomores and is one of the first things they do in English II.
            Students read the book in class together, are assigned parts to read at home and do tests and quizzes throughout the novel. Some classes started the book last week others will start next week. Sophomore Felicia Jordan’s class began reading the novel yesterday.  
            “At first I thought it was kind of hard to get into, but the farther we have gotten I have become more intrigued,” said Jordan.
            To Kill A Mockingbird is about Scout, her brother Jem, their father, Atticus, their friend, Dill, and their mysterious neighbor. It takes place in Maycomb, Alabama in the 1930’s, during the Great Depression. 
  “It does not make me like English class more, but it does make it a little more interesting,” said Jordan.
            Students who read To Kill A Mockingbird in the past have said that the book was slow at the beginning but picked up at the end.
The book will take several weeks to complete.


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