Mixing It Up With Mix Tapes

Tori Hennick
Arts and Culture Editor 
Mix tapes are easy and fun to
make if you just take the time.
Photo credit Tori Hennick. 
When people have so many options for listening to music such as Spotify, Pandora and iTunes, not many people realize that it’s still cool to make mix tapes. 
Mix tapes became popular in the 1980’s, all that was required to make one was previously recorded music such as an LP. Eight tracks were the most common type of music recording during that time because cassettes were intended for vocal recordings only.
            Making a mix tape yourself is actually pretty easy. All you have to do is figure out what songs you would like to put on your CD, get onto YouTube, download the songs onto your computer and then use a converter such as media.io to convert your songs from an MP3 file to a wma file. Once you have converted those to the right format, you can then burn them from your computer library onto a blank CD.
            There is only one small problem with making your own mix tape, if you haven’t purchased the music already, you are stealing from the artist. Artists own all of the rights to their music, this is called copyright. If the artist finds out that you have stolen their music, the penalties were certainly not worth it. The following could happen: You could have to pay the actual dollar amount to cover the damages, for each song you didn’t pay for, you could get charged anywhere from $200.00 - $150,000.00 depending on what the artist feels necessary, you have to pay for all attorneys and court fee’s, the court will take your possessions of the music even if it is just on a CD, and you could possibly face jail time.
            Sophomore Caitlynn Patterson is a strong supporter of music and believes that mix tapes are a great way to show someone’s personality and musical tastes.
            “I really like mix tapes because when I make them, I get to choose the music I want. Music apps are annoying because you have to listen to the ads or pay like $8.00 a month to get rid of them. If my friend doesn’t have an Auxiliary cord in their car, mixtapes are a great option,” said Patterson.

            Mix tapes have so many great features but if you’re not considerate of someone else’s work, you could have to face the music. 


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