Homecoming Court

Kaelee Keesee

2015-16 homecoming court. Photo credit Kaelee Keesee 
            On Friday, August 29, the school gathered in the gym to celebrate the kickoff of the fall sports season. Included in the pep assembly was the announcing of this year’s homecoming court.
            The senior class spent their Tuesday advisor last week voting for their top five picks for the boys and girls they wanted to represent their class on the court. The ballots were then counted by student council advisers Marci Keesee and Deb Starcevich, ready to be announced Friday at the assembly.
            This year, the senior boys selected for the court include: Michael Altes, Korte Christensen, Tyler Evans, Cole Hauser, Sam Hermes, Solomon Jones and Eric Pingel. The senior girls selected include: Sydney Albertson, Mariah Armstrong, Grace Betz, Brooke Chesmore, Jenna Cole, Kaitlynn Lucy and Sydney Rosenboom.
            “I think that being on court means that you have a lot of school spirit and you’re friendly. Everyone on the court is really nice,” said Pingel.
            Pingel said he was very excited to be chosen for the court and thinks it’s really cool he was picked.
            Both Pingel and Rosenboom are unsure of who will win, but think anyone is a good choice.
            “Being on court is a good chance to represent the senior class in a positive way,” said Rosenboom.
            Voting for court will be open the week before Homecoming and will be announced at the Homecoming pep assembly on Friday, September 18.



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