SkillsUSA Combat Hunger Contest

Carrie McGrean
Staff Reporter 
SkillsUSA is having a contest to help
their campaign "Combat Hunger". Photo
credit Carrie McGrean. 
 Southeast Polk SkillsUSA is sponsoring a “Combat Hunger” Food Drive in which they collect non-perishable food, paper products, and cash donations on November 16th – through the 20. Students should bring their items to their first period class and give them to their teacher. Most teachers will have a safe place to put the items until the end of the week when SkillsUSA members will collect all the items and tally the amount of points each class has accumulated.
            “When you give things it gets points depending on what it is,” said Freshman Alyssa Kincaid.
            High school students were informed of the food drive last week so they could come up with donations before this week and most were told that there was a point system. The point system is not officially announced, but from past years it is said that cans are worth one point and each dollar is worth four points.
            “I plan on donating money,” said Kincaid.
            There is an incentive to donate with food and prizes in store for the top number of donations.
 “We have a huge 3 foot party sub from Subway for the winning class. Or, if you so choose, a really nice breakfast platter. Top 3 classes win breakfast,” said SkillsUSA advisor Phillip Cronin in an email to staff.

Teachers of winning classes will receive prizes that include; free movie passes, Menchie gifts, Dairy Queen gifts, McDonald’s gifts and Bianchi Boys. Starting Wednesday there will be a silent auction sheet in the mailroom for the teachers to bid on gifts from merchants in the surrounding community. All proceeds will go to The Food Bank of Central Iowa and the person with the highest bid by 3:10 Friday wins. 


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