Cheerleading Tryouts

Kailee Ammons
Staff Reporter
2014-2015 Varsity Football cheer team doing some stunts on the field. Photo
courtesy of Carolyn Devine.
          Cheerleading tryouts for the 2015-2016 school year are coming up soon! They will start on Monday, March 30 at 3:15 until about 5:00 PM and Wednesday, April 1 from 6-8:00 PM. Both of these sessions will be held in the high school commons after school.
            Friday, April 3 is when the tryouts will take place, starting at 3:45. This is when people will perform the routine and cheers that will be taught during the week.
            On Monday and Wednesday, people are encouraged to wear what they feel comfortable in for learning the routines. On Friday, people are supposed to wear a plain white shirt with black shorts, tennis shoes, and hair in a ponytail (if not long enough, somehow held away from face). A cheer bow and makeup are optional. Jewelry and painted or false nails will not be allowed.
         “Confidence is key!” said junior Carolyn Devine. “Cheer is definitely one of those things that your performance is better when you look like you are enjoying yourself and have tons of confidence.”


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