Parent-Teacher Conferences This Week

Josi Bambrook
Staff Reporter
Parent teacher conferences are coming up, so your grades better be going up as well! On Wednesday, March 11 at 12:30 to 7:30pm the high school conferences with be happening. This is the time when students try to push their grades up as much as they can before their teachers tell their parents how they’re doing. Conferences can be scary and stressful for students whom wish to please their parents academically, but for some it’s nothing to worry about.
“My grades are as high as they have ever been,” said Pruden. With spring break coming so soon the students are starting to slack off and studying is becoming less of a priority. But some students have been on top of their grades and working hard, which makes conferences much less stressful.
“I have nothing to be worried about,” said sophomore Libby Pruden. Students don’t feel like conferences are even necessary to have since the students’ parents can access our grades from the internet.
“I don’t think there is any point to them, parents can access our grades and what’s going on by simply going on to the internet,” said Pruden.  


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