Spread the Word to End the Word at SEP

Claire Strickland
Opinion Editor
Best Buddies member Ash Sartell holds up the poster
 signed by students who take the pledge.
           Spread the Word to End the Word takes place on the first Wednesday of March every year, this year being March 4th. Students around the United States take place in ending the use of “The R-word.”  Southeast Polk is one of these schools, participating in ways all over the school.
            “We are wearing blue to spread awareness for the R word and there’s also a poster you can sign to take the pledge,” Sophomore Lauren Wade said. Wade is a member of Best Buddies and she takes part in People PE.
            Best Buddies is a club where students get to interact with students with Special Needs and just be their friend. The “R Word” is used as slang and is a derogatory term used towards kids with Special Needs or Disabilities, and Best Buddies is working to stop the use of this word.
“The best part about Best Buddies is being able to be there for someone and learning a lot from them too,” Wade said. Many students took the pledge, vowing to remove this word from their vocabulary and promising to help raise awareness as well. Students also wore blue to raise the awareness.
“Don’t be afraid to talk to someone that’s different from you,” Wade said.


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