Hippie History Artifact Museum

Kailee Ammons
Staff Reporter
             Today the well-known Hippie History class is holding an Artifacts Museum in the multipurpose room. In this museum, students are required to bring an item from the 60’s, the 70’s, or the 80’s that has an interesting story behind it.
In past years, the class has their physical objects set up around the room for people to observe, but this year, they are also using ThingLink.com. This website allows the museum to be an interactive tour about the history of the artifacts.
                The students of Hippie History are set up around the room with Chrome Books. Then people from other classes transition to each station based on a two minute rotation, visiting each student and learning about their artifact. This opportunity is available and has been successful because of Kelly Knowler and Robert Knipp, teachers, and Casey Burrows, student teacher.
                “The purpose of this project is to make connections with the past and with the stories of the artifacts,” said Knipp. “That is what history is all about.”
              Some of the artifacts include a statue of records, a painting, jewelry that Elvis Presley wore during his last concert in Iowa, and various smaller items.



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