Review: Des Moines Hardcore Collective Concert

Tori Hennick
Arts+Cultures Editor
This past Friday, March sixth, the Des Moines Hardcore Collective hosted the final show in Des Moines for a band from Cedar Falls called Remiss.
Bands that played were Remiss, Household, Pierre, Infinite Me, A Better Reality, Exit Emergency and a Rage Against the Machine cover band, Bungtrack. The show was at the Underground Rock Shop and was $5.00 admission.
Overall, the show was really fun. A Better Reality was really upbeat and was as fun as always. Exit Emergency brought a lot of smiles to the crowd. I had never seen any of the other bands before so I wasn’t sure how the rest of the night was going to play out.
Infinite Me was the opposite of what I expected. I was imagining I was about to hear a super heavy band, but it turns out the vocalist has an extremely beautiful and soft voice. Pierre seemed like they were really fun people and they were interesting to watch. Household was very entertaining and they seemed like they truly enjoyed what they were doing.
Remiss, the final band, did a fantastic. Since it was their second to last show ever, they gave a little speech about how thankful they were for everyone that was there and the people that have helped them along as a band. Remiss was really good. Their vocalist had a really nice voice and they all had a good time playing which rubbed off on the crowd.
It was sad to see a local band that had so many great qualities end, but they were still positive about how the rest of their careers were going to play out. 


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