Parent-Teacher Conferences

Kaelee Keesee
Managing Editor

It’s officially the week before spring break! While this is filled with expectations of vacations, sleeping in and no school, it also means the arrival of the final parent-teacher conference days of the year. For some, this is a good thing, for others it’s something to dread. For the teachers it’s just another conference. 
English teacher Jennifer Betz uses her conferences with parents and students as a way to inform them what’s going on in class and their performance in the class.
“I usually talk about how awesome they’re doing-always focus on the positive,” said Betz. In the fall, there is only one set of full two-day conferences while in the springtime, there is CCR conferences and full conferences. This week, conferences will be held on Wednesday from 1:30-7:30.
When there are lulls, Betz usually entertains herself with people watching, paper grading and grading homework.
“I have a different perspective because I have year-long classes and I get to follow the growth of the students throughout the entire year and not just a semester,” said Betz. 


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