Show Choir Seniors’ Last Competition

Drew Brown
Staff Reporter
            Show Choir has one more competition at Louis Central High School this Saturday, March 7, and is yet to place in finals. Tons of stress is put on the shoulders of the Varsity Seniors because for them this is the last competition they will have in their high school career.
            “We owe it to the seniors to leave it all out there to try to make finals,” said freshman Travis Erthum. Some of the seniors have given a lot up for the team such as other sports and activities. For the last competition the pressure is on. Hundreds of hours of practice have made them good enough for the finals; it’s up to them to show the judges why they belong in finals.
            Some of the team is happy with just making finals but a few won’t be pleased with just the placement- they want the gold and to make sure that next season they will be a team to look out for. It’s not just the varsities last competition. The Women’s Prep group has some seniors of their own such as Michalah Wiseman and Belle Ward who have spent
every year on the prep group, which has had a lot of success placing 2nd at Urbandale in the day-time session.
           Both teams are yet to make it past the morning session and are looking to take part in the finals this Saturday.


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