Club Photo Day

Quincey Nelson
Staff Reporter
The yearbook is taking club photos on Thursday, April 15 in the auditorium.
“It gets a lot of people included in the yearbook so people who don’t do lots of actives can still get in through that, and people will know about the clubs we have,” said Renee Stohr. Every period a selected amount of clubs will be selected to go at certain times during the period.
“We mostly try to include every club at the high school. [We don’t include them] f it’s a club that only one or two people are in or they ask not to be [included,] otherwise we try to include every single club,” said Stohr.
If any students are having their club picture taken make sure to know what time and period the club is going at. Times can be found on posters around the school
“It’s frustrating when clubs show up late because every 5 minutes a new club will come in and it’s running all day so if people show up late they don’t get to be in the picture and that sucks,” said Stohr.
“All the advisors of the different clubs, we find when their planning period is and we try to put their club picture during their plan period so they’re not missing any classes,” said Stohr.


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