New Essay Required to Graduate

Kaelee Keesee
Managing Editor
              According to minutes from the last school board meeting, seniors no longer get the easy ride of just passing their classes. Starting with the class of 2015, seniors will be required to write a 5 page essay pertaining to why they deserve to graduate from these hallowed halls. 
             “I think it’s a great idea! I think that it will be a good way for the staff to see what we’ve learned these last four years and to show our own self confidence in the abilities we possess,” said senior Rhonda Carpenter.
            The essay will due on May 19, the day before seniors say goodbye to high school until graduation. Requirements of the essay include: a detailed description of their high school journey, a reflection of the hardest and easiest classes they have taken and a page on the reasons they believe they deserve to graduate.
           “We decided to start the essay requirement to see how we can evolve as a school and how prepared our students think they are,” said board member Thomas Reeser, “The students we have talked to so far seem to be reacting quite positively to the new essay and we are very hopeful to the success it will bring us.”
            Senior checklists and senior presentations will still be required along with the essay and it is expected to be of the highest standard. Graders will be recruited from around the metro area and will spend the five days between the due date and graduation reading each essay. Seniors will find out if they passed the essay when they show up for graduation. 



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