Students Take Iowa Assessments This Week

Demi Muchmore
Edit in Chief
           Students will take the Iowa Assessments, formerly known as the Iowa Tests of Educational Development (ITEDs), on Tuesday April 7 and Thursday April 9.
           On Tuesday, April 7, students will be tested on reading assessment, written expression, and vocabulary. The bell schedule for the following will be first period 7:50-8:15 and 8:20-10:30 testing time. The remaining school day starting with third hour will follow on a two hour late start schedule.
           On Thursday, April 9, students will be tested on math, science, and a survey. The bell schedule for the following will be testing time 7:50-10:40 and 10:50-11:21 is second period. The remaining day will continue with fourth hour and follow on a two hour late start schedule after that.
             “I believe that ITEDs are a waste of time because they don’t go against your grades so I don’t get why we have to take them,” said freshman Jessie Cruchelow.
            Just like any other test, you need to prepare yourself. Eat a good breakfast, get a good night’s sleep, and study. 


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