School Board Reduces Passing Time

Brooklyn Draisey
                The Southeast Polk school board announced on Friday, March 27 that passing times at the junior high and high school would be reduced to two minutes. The new rule will become effective on April 2, and there will be no grace period for students to adjust to the shorter passing time.
                “This new rule will create more time for classes to get things done without actually creating a longer school day,” said the new superintendent Mickey Mouse. This is his first announcement as superintendent, and he hopes that it will be received well by the student body. There have been complaints about teachers giving out homework as the bell rings, and hopefully this extra time will get rid of that.
                “I’ve always felt that classes have been rushed, and we never have time to go over everything that we need to before the bell rings. These extra few minutes will allow us to be less stressed about fitting our entire lesson into the period,” said English teacher Ms. Cher. Her classes have always felt rushed and superficial according to the students in her class.
                “With this extra time, we’ll be able to dive deeper into our subjects and really learn some important stuff,” said junior Paul McCartney. However, not everyone is happy with this development.
                “How am I supposed to go from wind ensemble to molecular biology in two minutes? I’m going to be tardy to half of my classes because of this downsized passing time,” said senior Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. 



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