Earth & Space Students Test Heating and Cooling

Lexi Burrows
Staff Reporter

                Students in freshman Earth and Space classes have been learning about the Earth. They collected data from an experiment testing heating and cooling systems that they completed.
In the experiment students are given soil, sand, water and salt in a cup.  Students then stacked books on top of chairs and placed a meter stick over top.  Finally they were given a thermometer and a heating lamp.
Students then had to write a hypothesis of which substance they thought would warm up fastest and which would cool off the fastest.
Students set up the experiment and every two minutes they recorded the temperature of the different substances.  After twelve minutes students then shut off the light and kept track of the temperatures as they cooled.
Once all of the data was collected, students shared their different temperatures with the teacher and the rest of their classmates.
They were then given a piece of graph paper, and told what to label the X and Y axis and also what to label each side. The teacher also did the math work for them and helped them figure out how much each line should go up by.
Finally, students used different colors to graph all the data they collected and turned in the lab assignments.


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