Jazz I Takes 7th at IJC

Brooklyn Draisey
The Iowa Jazz Championship program. Photo
courtesy of Molly Hart.
            On Tuesday, March 31 the Southeast Polk jazz band competed in the Iowa Jazz Championship at the Civic Center and placed seventh out of fifteen bands. They competed in 4A category against bands from schools such as Dowling Catholic, Waukee and Linn-Mar, who Southeast Polk beat to get invited to the competition. A total of over 1,500 students and 60 bands in attendance.
            “We’ve been practicing the pieces we played since the start  of the semester,” said sophomore Ethan Owens, a trumpet player in the band. The band played three pieces at the competition; Symphony in Riffs, The Beautiful, and What You Dealin’ With. The composer of The Beautiful is a teacher at the University of Northern Iowa.
            The band performed at 8:30 am, then spent the rest of the day watching other bands perform until the awards ceremony at 5:15 pm.
            The top eight bands from each category were place winners and got trophies, and according to Owens it got very stressful when the 4A teams started being placed.
            “We didn’t know when our name was going to be called, and we just hoped that we got eighth,” said Owens. Luckily they got seventh, and now there’s a new trophy to store in the case. 


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