Small Budget Cuts off Music Program

Andrew Brown
Staff Reporter

            Due to insufficient funds at the high school, the school board has decided that all music classes including all after school music activities, such as: show choir, pep band and marching band will be cut from the budget as of June 3 this year.
            “The state just cannot give out anymore loans to Southeast Polk,” said Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley “In the past year alone we’ve paid for:  a new football field, new scoreboard for the field, and new equipment for the wrestling team. We are done lending money.”
            Along with the cutting of the music programs the directors for the programs will be out of a job.
            “The cutting of the music programs will help Southeast Polk pay back some of their debts to the state and will help them put more money into better equipment and facilities for the sports programs and a new extension on the school to provide more space for classes, students and a secondary gymnasium,” said Senator Grassley

            The music rooms will be changed to a lounge for seniors during free periods during the day and the practice rooms will be turned into storage for the drama department.



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