Freedom of Finals Coming to an End

Kailee Ammons
Staff Reporter  
                 Starting in the school year of 2015/ 2016, students will no longer be allowed to opt out of the semester tests. This decision was made due to the fact that when students do not take their finals, they can become unprepared for college or for future life skills.
                “People have been getting out of taking half of their tests, sometimes even all of them depending on their schedule,” said Maleficent, Science teacher.
                The entire RAM Plan system will be disbanded, but students will still be expected to be in class and on time as well.
                Even though some teachers are agreeing with this new idea, there are still some people (mostly students) that are against it.
                “If I have to take all of my tests, then I will not have enough time to study and prepare for all of them,” said junior Snow White. “I think all of the students will just be completely stressed out.”
                The school board, recognizing all opinions received from the community, made this decision over the past school year. They also believe that this will help students be more motivated to pay attention in the classroom, and to study on their own time outside of school.
                “With putting more importance on the semester finals, students will put a larger priority on their school work throughout the year,” said Jafar, school board member.



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