Students Forced to Find New Transportation

Tori Hennick
Arts + Culture Editor
         The high school board has decided that due to all of the parking complaints from upperclassmen, the parking passes for all students 9-12 grade will be revoked beginning April 1, 2015.
         It took a lot of time to have all board members agree, but they have decided that it would be best for the community if all students were to ride the buses provided by the school district.
         “The school board is concerned that this will cause students to be more upset and possibly lose school pride, but we believe it is the best alternative to fixing the parking problem,” said school board member Billie Joe Armstrong.
         “I am a little upset that I am forced to ride the bus now, but at the same time it’s not all that bad. I now don’t have to pay for a parking pass or pay for my gas to drive to school. It’s also a plus because now I don’t have to worry about showing up to school a half an hour early just to find a parking spot,” said junior Ellen Page.
         Students are expected to follow this procedure as soon as it takes place. If students do not comply and are caught parking in school lots, they will be charged a $125.00 fine and the school will have their car towed.  If students are caught a second time, they may face possible suspension.



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