RAM Cafe is Closing

Demi Muchmore
Editor in Chief
            Southeast Polk would like to announce that The Café has closed. The school has been debating this decision for some time now but the permanent decision was just made this previous Sunday, March 29.
            There are multiple reasons that the school board has decided to ban The Café and one of the reasons is it gives students too much access to food. The school is trying to change bad health habits around and make students healthy. Many students come up many times a day and get snacks to snack on during classes.
            The Café is a place which is located in the Commons by the lunchroom, it is open during passing time and study halls for students to get a variety of different foods including; apples, Pop Tarts, yogurt, chips, and many other items.
            “I run low on energy and getting snacks at the café is the only thing that gets me through the day,” sophomore Carrie Underwood said.
            Another reason the school board decided to ban the café is because it is a disturbance in the classroom. Many times it has made students late to class because they will wait in the line to get their food.
             “I feel like it will make my classroom a more efficient place for students without the interruption of others and students showing up late,” said English teacher Sandra Bullock.
              Also once they have their food, they then sit in class and crunch on their food and cause a distraction from others education by crunching their chips so loud a student turns around and punches the other student in the face. 



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