PE Class Required Daily

Jessica Rish
Staff Reporter

             Southeast Polk has decided that students will have a p.e class everyday as of the 2015-2016 school year. The school has been debating this decision for a while and the idea has come to a close.     
            There are multiple reasons that the school board has decided to make p.e an everyday class. One of the reason is we are trying to promote health wellness in our district. So, by having physical education classes every day we are able to accomplish this goal.
          “I like gym so, I don’t think it’s a bad idea. It gives me more opportunities to lift and get bigger and increase my protein intake,” said freshman Slim Shady. Since physical education will be an everyday class students, that have study halls opposite of p.e will no longer get these study halls.
          “The students at Southeast Polk need to understand that once they graduate if they decide to further their education they won’t have a study hall and will have to worry about their physical health on top of it,” said principle Tre Cool. Since the class is every day there will be more options than the current activities available in p.e.



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