SEP No Longer Funding Summer Sports

Lexi Burrows
Staff Reporter

                Southeast Polk School Board has been debating on if the school has enough money to fund summer sports. As of April 1, they have made a decision. The summer of 2016, Southeast Polk will not be funding baseball or softball.
              “We just do not have the money to provide any equipment to the two programs,” said freshman softball player Sandra Bullock.
Bullock was the tie breaker who made the final decision. After the conference there was many angry phone calls.
              “I understand everyone's frustration with the board as of right now, but we are doing what it best for the schools financial situation,” said Bullock.The school board held an open conference April 1, after school. It was held for the players, coaches, mentors and the parents to come to. They were allowed to express their opinions out loud to the school board.
              “It’s not fair to any of us, I mean why it is only summer sports that are being cut,” said sophomore softball player Missy Elliott. The school board was not able to answer Elliott’s question, leading to an uproar from both baseball and softball varsity squads.
             “How are we supposed to be seen by colleges and get scholarships?” said senior baseball player Jamie Dornan.
              Bullock stated that the athletes can play on travel teams.



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