Color Guard to Return to Southeast Polk

Ethan Edvenson
            Every fall the SEP Marching Rams practice and perform a new show. However, unlike the other marching bands from other schools, SEP doesn’t have a color guard program…..that is until this next upcoming school year! Due to their absence in years prior, the band has lost a few points in every marching competition, and the band directors are fed up with it.
            “I think this is the best alternative for the band! Not only do we not have to potentially loose in competitions because of we don’t have them, but it satisfies my love for interpretive dance!” said temporary band director Ozzy Osbourne.
            However, this isn’t the only change in our school’s extracurricular activities. The RhythAMettes program is disbanding to become this new color guard. While some members of the dancing group may dislike the idea of practicing all summer and early in the morning during the school year, those who are dedicated will remain loyal.
            “While I’m going to miss the RythAMettes, I think I’ll enjoy this new opportunity and try my best to get used to it!” said junior RythAMettes member Jennifer Lawrence.
            To adjust to this new change, the marching season will begin the first day after school gets out with practices every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday from 4 to 9 PM.



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